

Galictio is a specialist in the engineering, design and assembly of scaffolding, offering our clients our extensive experience using materials that comply with the most demanding European regulations.

Our knowledge and professionalization in the assembly of scaffolding ensure and facilitate the development of the activities of professionals from different sectors, guaranteeing adequate and safe structures and work platforms.

Our main guarantee in providing the service is the planning of the work based on the knowledge of each phase: Technical Study, Logistics, Prevention, Assembly and Dismantling. As a result of this planning, the optimization of human, technical and material resources is achieved, thus collaborating with our clients to obtain better technical results at more competitive prices.

  • Mounting
  • Rent
  • Structure calculations
  • Assembly Plans
  • 3D design


One of the foundations of our philosophy as a company is the concept of Innovation in Comprehensive Management. We offer our clients the possibility of working with a single interlocutor, who manages, in an effective and coordinated manner, the solutions to their thermal insulation, scaffolding and cleaning problems. In this way, the client benefits from the same quality standards and all kinds of operational synergies, while obtaining considerable economic savings by working with a single non-mechanical service provider.

GALICTIO develops engineering projects, from a preliminary phase to its complete development. Taking into account in all phases, the client's needs, innovation, technical possibilities and the optimization of resources, in order to offer innovative solutions saving costs to our clients.

  • Single interlocutor
  • Coordination
  • Operational synergies
  • Economic savings